
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Singular Matter Post 4: Grim world

World of the singular matter is post-apocalyptic, uninviting, and grim place to live. This is caused by multiple factors. The greatest problem was the eruption of Yellowstone volcano in USA. Though it was not so devastating as scientists predicted, it caused a lot of deaths, and death toll is climbing. Many places in California are now unhabitable. This caused a lot of dwellers to move to the east coast or leave the country for good.

 It disrupted weather patterns around the globe, making places freezing and other extremely hot.

As it was not enough global warming effect also took its toll. Melting permafrost caps of Antarctica released substantial amounts of ammonia, which also further speeds up racing global worming.

The plot of Singular matter takes plot during a freezing winter. It is the harshest winter ever faced
in Europe.

Explosion of Yellowstone

Los Angeles


Predicting the impending doom, NWO of united Europe implemented far-reaching steps.
Benefiting very hard rock deposits Under Alternative Energy Research Institute (AERI) they decided to build a self-sustaining enormous cavity where thousands of residents could take shelter.
It is a miracle of modern technology. Other cavities are being constructed in other parts of Europe.
The cavity has enough sunshine provided by cleverly constructed mirrors and systems that strengthen the light, which enables an appropriate day /night cycle. 


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